
Caroline Freedman had the idea for a better way to feed her little one when pregnant, with NurturMe

Caroline Freedman had the idea for a better way to feed her little one when pregnant, with NurturMe spokes-toddler Audrey. She realized that very little had changed since she was a baby getting pureed nutrition in thick glass containers.

That led to a messy first run of dehydrating foods in the kitchen of Caroline's downtown condo. This quickly convinced them to seek assistance from drum- and freeze-drying experts in the organic farming community. It's turned into a development partnership that's still growing to this day.

Nearly two years later, NurturMe has come up with a great line of organic, non-gmo, kosher and gluten-free food items that meet all of baby's needs. Your baby will love the taste and you will love the natural and wholesome ingredients!
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