Polysporin lotion pour le soulagement des démangeaisons
177 mL
Polysporin Itch Relief Lotion is rated
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13,99 $
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Livraisons et retours
La lotion anti-démangeaisons Polysporin réduit la douleur et les démangeaisons grâce à sa formule claire et rafraîchissante. Il agit rapidement et procure un soulagement apaisant de la douleur et des démangeaisons dues à :
Ingrédients médicinaux : chlorhydrate de pramoxine 1 % p/v et acétate de zinc 0,1 % p/v.
Ingrédients non médicinaux (par ordre alphabétique) : alcool, camphre, acide citrique, diazolidinylurée, parfum, glycérine, hypromellose, huile de lavande, parabènes, polysorbate, propylène glycol, huile de romarin, citrate de sodium, eau.
MISES EN GARDE : Pour usage externe uniquement. Si l'état s'aggrave ou si les symptômes persistent pendant plus de 7 jours, ou disparaissent et réapparaissent en quelques jours, arrêtez l'utilisation et consultez rapidement un médecin. Éviter le contact avec les yeux ou d'autres muqueuses ; si cela se produit, rincez abondamment à l'eau. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas d'ingestion accidentelle, contactez immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
- Piqûres de moustiques et autres insectes
- Coup de soleil
- Démangeaisons allergiques
- Sumac vénéneux
- Éruption de varicelle
Ingrédients médicinaux : chlorhydrate de pramoxine 1 % p/v et acétate de zinc 0,1 % p/v.
Ingrédients non médicinaux (par ordre alphabétique) : alcool, camphre, acide citrique, diazolidinylurée, parfum, glycérine, hypromellose, huile de lavande, parabènes, polysorbate, propylène glycol, huile de romarin, citrate de sodium, eau.
MISES EN GARDE : Pour usage externe uniquement. Si l'état s'aggrave ou si les symptômes persistent pendant plus de 7 jours, ou disparaissent et réapparaissent en quelques jours, arrêtez l'utilisation et consultez rapidement un médecin. Éviter le contact avec les yeux ou d'autres muqueuses ; si cela se produit, rincez abondamment à l'eau. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas d'ingestion accidentelle, contactez immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
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Rated 5 out of
Waterlily40 from
Actually stops the itchiness
I bought this after my last trip into mosquito country but couldn't use it since it arrived once my bites had subsided. This weekend I went back to visit family and was eaten alive. As soon as I came home and the itching started, I was scratching like a mad woman. It wasn't until bedtime that I remembered I had this in the medicine cabinet. Slathered this stuff on and slept the whole night through ITCH-FREE. First topical I've ever tried that actually relieves the itchiness without wearing off 5 minutes later
Date published: 2021-07-11
Rated 5 out of
CarolL from
A medicine cabinet essential!
For mosquito bites, it is the only thing that works! If there is a mosquito in the vicinity, it will bite me and I have used virtually every product on the market without much effect until I found this! I cannot recommend this product highly enough!
We first purchased this product when my grandchildren had chicken pox and it worked to relieve their discomfort.
It should be an essential in everyone's medicine cabinet! It works! Love it!
Date published: 2014-08-09
Rated 5 out of
Carol1954 from
The Only Thing That Stops Itching
I have never written a review for any product before; however, the effectiveness of Polysporin Lotion has moved me to do so. It is, quite simply, the ONLY thing I have ever found that stops itching from mosquito bites. Mosquitoes love me. And despite being bit far more than my fair share, I have a very strong reaction to their bites. I have tried every cream on the market. Save yourself some money and buy this one first. It is amazing. Thank you! The only suggestion I have is to make a smaller travel size version.
Date published: 2019-06-12
Rated 5 out of
kit38 from
I have suffered from poison ivy since I was a child.
My reaction to this awful plant is severe, extremely painful, and very messy. Prednisone, hydrocortisone creams, and antihistamines provide me with very little relief.
In a recent panic, I found this product.
I believe it sped up the healing, helped dry the rash out, numbed the pain so I could sleep, and prevented scarring.
Thank you!
Date published: 2015-07-02
Rated 5 out of
Krysiakitkat from
Works great!
I can’t recommend this product enough! And I do to friends & family because of it’s effectiveness.
Tried it first on a wasp sting & it completely numbed the pain! Then, became the standard for mosquito bites, heat rashes etc.
Agree with another comment about making a travel/purse size available.
Date published: 2019-07-15
Rated 5 out of
ladydi from
Essential product to have on hand, works magic for mosquito bites and sunburn
This product is irreplaceable, in terms of providing relief from mosquitoe bites, in particular.
Has also provided relief as a result of sunburn, and shingles.
Date published: 2014-06-17
Rated 1 out of
Should Not Be Fragranced
I was hoping this would be helpful for relief of painful and itchy rashes caused by allergies, however if allergic or sensitive skin to fragrance, it is not an option. It is very unfortunate that fragrance is added to a topical product that is supposed to be used to relieve rashes, allergies and other skin irritations.
Date published: 2022-01-22
Rated 4 out of
Kelligirl from
Seems to work well
My son has sensitive skin and breaks out quite often. We recently tried this product and it seemed to work well...will definitely try during the next reaction.
Date published: 2018-02-22