Raise a toddler’s railway play to the next level with the Train Bridge and Tracks Expansion Set (10426). This creative build-and-rebuild toy lets toddlers add an elevated bridge to their LEGO DUPLO Town interactive train sets (10427 and 10428, sold separately) and elongate the route with 8 straight train track pieces that connect to any LEGO DUPLO train set. It also comes with a buildable bridge and a raisable barrier. Toddlers aged 2+ will have lots of fun playing the engineer letting through the train while practicing their fine motor skills. This set’s action brick makes the interactive trains from sets 10427 and 10428 stop and play fun sounds as they approach it.
This kids’ learning toy boosts toddlers’ development. Extending the train track to run over the bridge teaches spatial awareness. Combining the toy track to determine the train’s destination promotes prediction and problem-solving skills and helps toddlers develop patience and focus.
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