Create BIG outdoor art with the sidewalk chalk in bright, bold Crayola crayon colours! Crayola Washable Sidewalk Chalk is ideal for creating vibrantly coloured artwork on sidewalks and driveways. Kids can have fun drawing large, colourful pictures or writing sidewalk signs in eye-catching hues. The set is also great for sidewalk chalk games such as hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, and four square. The chalk conveniently washes clean from sidewalks and driveways. Simply spray the colour away with a water hose. The anti-roll shape keeps sticks handy without rolling away and produces fine lines or broad strokes. Includes 24 washable sidewalk chalk sticks. Crayola's special anti-roll shape prevents the chalk from rolling down driveways or other inclined surfaces. It helps ensure kids stay safe during use and helps keep the chalk conveniently close at hand.
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