Dive in and play with MerCat and the Gabby Cats from DreamWorks
Animation's Gabby’s Dollhouse! This compact version of MerCat includes
four a-meow-zing games that help build math, memory and problem-solving
skills. Pop shapes and bubbles, try to find Gabby, Pandy Paws, Cakey
Cat, and other kitty friends in a game of hide-and-seek, dance with DJ
Catnip, and play a game or two of tic-cat-toe with MerCat. Practice spa
science and whip up a potion using math skills with MerCat. Try making a
cat-tastic float spray or an a-meow-zing shrink potion just like in the
show! Clip her to your backpack and take her along on all your
adventures. Snap, snap spa science! 3 AAA Batteries
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