Melissa & Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store Companion Collection
Melissa & Doug Grocery Store: Shopping and playful purchasing is exciting at the sturdy wooden Fresh Mart Grocery Store! The free-standing play space with smooth, curved corners and edges lets customers three and older browse the shelves and pay for purchases on one side, and allows the grocer to ring up items on the other. Realistic features include beeping "scanner," a hand-crank conveyor belt, a card-swiping machine, a keypad/calculator, and cash drawer. Kids are sure to find everything on their shopping list at this friendly neighborhood grocery store!
Dimensions: 42.5" x 19.5" x 8.5"
Melissa & Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store Companion Collection: This companion set to the Fresh Mart Grocery Store has everything kids three and older need to stock shelves and get shopping! There are 70 pieces to play with, including grocer and shopper role-play items like an apron, conveyor belt divider bar, and a cloth shopping bag, a fully stocked grab-and-go rack (gum, granola bar, a magazine, and more!), play money, cards, and coupons, and grocery boxes and cans! This set plays perfectly with the Melissa & Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store!
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