Hydralyte Berry Flavour Effervescent Electrolyte Tablets
20 Tablets
- Dairy and lactose Free
- Gluten Free
- Nut Free
- Free from animal-derived products
- Sodium Saccharine free
- Children and adults for vomiting and diarrhea
- Children and adults for fever and heavy sweating
Recommended Dosage in first 6 hours:
Age in years
< 12 months...................................................... 400-600 mL
1-3 years........................................................ 700-1000 mL
3-6 years...................................................... 1000-1400 mL
6-12 years.................................................... 1800-2400 mL
Warnings and cautions: Consult your physician if: vomiting, diarrhea or fever persists for longer than 24 hours; the child is under two years; you have medical problems relating to kidney, heart or gastrointestinal function, blood pressure, or show signs of severe dehydration including shock, or are unable to drink.
- Unfortunately, due to the nature of this item, we cannot accept any returns.
- We are only able to ship this item to Canadian customers.
- This item cannot be shipped to Quebec due to provincial pharmacy regulations.