Looking for a good,
basic grass hay with high quality nutrition, and a fresh fragrance
that’s irresistible to small herbivores? Oxbow Western Timothy Hay is
the ideal long-strand fiber source for keeping small animal digestive
tracts functioning properly. Oxbow's most popular grass hay—with high
fiber, low protein and low calcium content—is widely recommended by
veterinarians. Oxbow Animal Health was the first pet food company to
introduce timothy hay as a staple in the small animal diet. It is now an
industry standard.
100% Timothy Hay. Preservative and additive free. Loose hay contains stems, leaves, and limited seed heads.
Guaranteed Analysis:
Crude Protein min 7.00%
Crude Fat min 1.50%
Crude Fiber max 32.00%
Moisture max 15.00%
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