Orange a-P-E-E-L Cleaner
473 mL


- Super concentrated and is a natural organic cleaner, stain remover, deordorizer and degreaser.
- Made from high grade d' Limonene produced from the peel and seeds of oranges.
- Is extremely versatile, it cleans stains and odors from vehicles to carpets, kitchens to bathrooms, laundry to floors, use it on everything
CAUTION: (check plastic first.)
- A fresh, natural fragrance that makes cleaning everything less of a chore!
- Safe around pets and is used as an effective animal "Deskunker" by veterinarians and groomers. Must be mixed 60 ml to 4 lt. warm water.
WARNING: do not use other orange named products as a substitute for Orange aPEEL¨, you could hurt your animal.
- We are only able to ship this item to Canadian customers.
- This product cannot be shipped to Remote locations.