At Funkins, they believe it is their responsibility to instill environmental
values in their childr
At Funkins, they believe it is their responsibility to instill environmental
values in their children - and for them, it starts in their lunchbox. After much searching for kid's cloth napkins, without any luck, they
decided to make their own using bright fabrics and fun patterns. They have
been going strong since 2011 and as they grow, their vision stays the same. Funkins is always working towards building a healthy environment through
these-sustainable products and building a brighter future - and
lunchtime - for children.
28 items
Coming Soon
Funkins Reusable Gel Ice Pack for Lunch Boxes Koala
Ages 3+
Coming Soon
Funkins Large Insulated Lunch Bag for Kids Sharks
Coming Soon
Funkins Large Insulated Lunch Bag for Kids Dinosaurs Black
Coming Soon
Funkins The Very Hungry Caterpillar Large Insulated Lunch Bag for Kids
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