
GreenPaxx believes every little bit counts. As a company they diligently try to tip the needle in th

GreenPaxx believes every little bit counts. As a company they diligently try to tip the needle in the green direction. They base their offerings off of the the idea that when you use a product for a long time you are keeping that much waste out of landfills. Habits create change. GreenPaxx products are here to help you create those habits. Have fun making a smoothie and do without the plastic straw. Win-win for healthy body and healthy planet.

GreenPaxx also considers the planet when designing their packaging and printing materials. All of their product boxes are printed on a minimum 40% post-consumer recycled Eco Friendly cardstock with aqueous (water-based) coating. They have designed their own box without glue so that it is 100% recyclable again. While it costs more to use recycled content for product boxes they know its worth it. It is important for them as a brand to not only to offer reusable eco-friendly products but to source their needs from ecologically responsible affiliates. Making the decision to choose GreenPaxx, is making a truly green choice.
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GreenPaxx Silicone Reusable Straws Pretty Pastels
4 Count