Built-in tracks, colorful scenery, and fun play pieces let kids take their imaginations for a spin . . . and take playtime anywhere they want to go! Unfold the sturdy wooden case to create an illustrated play surface with built-in train and road tracks for the three wooden wheeled trains and a park ranger vehicle. Set up a bridge and a mountain tunnel with a gondola that slides across the top! Wooden play pieces include buildings, animals, trees, and a railroad crossing sign to enhance imaginative storytelling. All the pieces store in the fold-up case with convenient carrying handle for easy cleanup and travel (there’s plenty of room to add other toys, too!). Keep playtime rolling for kids three and older and encourage independent play and motor skill development. This product is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits, and that forests are protected for future generations.
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