This product is used to treat dryness inside the nose (nasal passages). It helps add moisture inside the nose to dissolve and soften thick or crusty mucus. In babies and young children with stuffy noses who cannot blow their noses, using this product helps to make the mucus easier to remove with a nasal bulb syringe. This helps relieve stuffiness and makes breathing easier.
Instructions for Use:
Infants 3 weeks to children 2 years old: 4 drops 1-6 time(s) a day or
every 2 hours as needed. Children 3 years old and over: 1-2 mL (1 full
dropper) 1-3 time(s) a day.
Consult a healthcare practitioner if: You have asthma or other chronic
respiratory complaints; Symptoms persist or worsen; There is no
improvement after you have tried to clear the nose The discharge is
persistently thick and yellow or green Your child has other symptoms of
illness such as fever or ear infection The skin at the base of the nose
becomes raw or crusted.
Do not share bottle. Do not swallow. Instruct
children under 12 years of age in the use of the product to minimize
swallowing. If your child experiences any discomfort, discontinue use
and consult a healthcare practitioner.
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