thinksport Kid's Safe Sunscreen SPF 50+ Bundle
2 x 3 oz
Made in the USA, thinkbaby Safe Sunscreen has more awards than any other sunscreen and has been voted a favourite among moms, kids, and the Board of Education alike.
Compare other sunscreen's "safe" ingredients to Thinksport. The best way is to check out The Environmental Working Group's database EWG Skin Deep.
The ratings for each ingredient are listed separately below (in brackets). The Thinkbaby and Thinksport sun care products have been "1" rated since 2010!
- Highest SPF 50+
- Highest level of Broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection
- Highest level of water resistance (80 minutes)
- Non-nano formulation - Average particle size >100micron
- Non-aerosol formulation (High concern of both ineffectiveness and particulates being inhaled)
- Paraben, phthalates, PABA and 1,4 dioxane free
- Applies and absorbs easily