Kids Fly Safe

Each year more and more young children fly. But until Kids Fly Safe CARES Airplane Safety Harness ca

Each year more and more young children fly. But until Kids Fly Safe CARES Airplane Safety Harness came along, what was missing was a convenient, hassle-free way to keep young flyers safe. CARES harness is the first and only harness type Aviation Child Safety Device to be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as an alternative to a car seat. The certification gives parents the right to use CARES on all US airlines for all phases of flight: taxiing, take off, turbulence and landing. CARES has also been certified by Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK and flies on most of the major airlines of Europe and Asia. Kids Fly Safe CARES harness is an elegantly designed belt-and-buckle device that works in conjunction with the regular airplane seat belt and provides young travelers the same level of safety as a car seat. CARES weighs just one pound and is easily portable, simple to install, adjustable to every size airplane seat, and usable on any window or center seat in the airplane, except in the emergency exit rows.
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Kids Fly Safe CARES Airplane Safety Harness