
KUNA means 'to give' in Quechua, an indigenous language from the Andes. At LiveKuna, they live by t

KUNA means 'to give' in Quechua, an indigenous language from the Andes. At LiveKuna, they live by this mantra .With your purchase KunaPops, you'll help provide food and school gardens to children in Ecuado in Ecuador.

Live Kuna is the parent brand of KunaPops. Curiosity led to Santiago and Carlos ponder on how to improve the world through what we eat. Inspired by the nutritional benefits of the so-called "miracle seed" and a hunger for innovation, they decided to bring back ancient foods to Ecuador and consequently share them with the entire world.

They work hand-in-hand with the farmers to maintain proper quality, availability and traceability of their products, in order to standardize the process throughout the entire supply chain. From farm to table, they guarantee thousands of consumers satisfaction who understand and share the importance of consuming foods from its origin.
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