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Children's Medicine

Shop for children's medicine at Well.ca. If your little one is feeling under the weather or if you w

Shop for children's medicine at Well.ca. If your little one is feeling under the weather or if you want to ensure optimal everyday health, you've come to the right place! We have children's allergy and itch relief, cough, cold and flu relief, as well as pain and fever relief. Find children's digestive care and colic relief. You can browse for children's first aid, as well as PharmaSystems Medicine Spoon & Dropper Kit. Try Kidz Kolik Gripe Water for colic relief or Dimpleskins Naturals Boo Boo Goo Soothing Salve for eczema, bug bites, and any boo boo! The Sea-Band for Children is an excellent product to relieve motion sickness and nausea without the need for medication. Try products our parents never had for stuffy noses like the fridababy NoseFrida Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator, BioGaia ProTectis Baby Instant Colic Relief Probiotic Drops or Aleva Naturals' Baby Nose 'n' Blow Wipes.

Try some of our most popular children's remedies brands like Boiron, Homeocan, Tylenol, or Advil.