Vicks SpeedRead® Digital thermometer with fever insight® offers color coded display and has automatic shut off timer for extended battery life. Thermometer provides previously taken temperature memory displays and recalls.
Rated 5 out of
5 by
LittlePud from
Easy to use and clear to readHave been buying this model for a few years for ourselves and family; a bit pricy. Can buy batteries to replace. I only recently found out can register them for Guarantee but yesterday just could not fill out the form to their requirements, e.g. where purchased, and they gave names of stores but not here, but had "other" and I clicked but just could not send the form, Otherwise can recommend. In fact family member ill recently and when it went to 39.2 the colour changed to red/warning. Cannot immerse whole thing in soapy water/alcohol only up to half way, be nice if could disinfect whole thing, eg where held at the top...... so make sure hands washed before using. J.
Date published: 2022-11-18
Rated 1 out of
5 by
Lucy from
Change my 5 star review - new one does not beepHave been buying these for years and very happy; bought 2 new ones, did not notice the on button has different sign on, its a circle not wavy lines. Opened one of new ones aqnd does not beep. Sent in note to seller...very swift action, but end results is they say the beep is very high frequency so some people cant hear, and to wait x number of secons etc. ALSO that this is the Canadian model and is different from my other models... am really not happy and hope will accept the return as not cheap. 'Lucy"
Date published: 2022-11-24
Rated 3 out of
5 by
LittlePud from
Not quite what I expectedThank you for the rebate!! And how graciously the correspondence was worded...and my explanation understood and accepted. Grateful customer. I would not recommend to a friend if they, as I did, expected the thermometer to sound, as they used to, when temperature reached which is what I wanted.
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