Oh My Yummies

Oh My Yummies is founded and created by two moms that share the passion and love for healthy and cle

Oh My Yummies is founded and created by two moms that share the passion and love for healthy and clean YUMMY eating.

Mahy is a food scientist and culinary instructor who is crazy passionate about creating and twisting recipes to fit her health needs and busy lifestyles. Maha is a fitness trainer who thrives to find a perfect balance between working out and eating well for all members of the family. From their families' kitchen to yours, together, they joined forces to create a unique revolutionary cracker that uses only the purest and cleanest ingredients without compromising taste or texture!

0 items
Oh My Yummies Superfood Crackers Classic
130 g
Oh My Yummies Superfood Crackers Kale
130 g
Oh My Yummies Superfood Crackers Rosemary
130 g
Oh My Yummies Superfood Crackers Oregano
130 g