Vibrant Health
Vibrant Health UT Vibrance
D-Mannose and botanicals to support and restore urinary tract health.
Vibrant Health’s U.T. Vibrance combines European D-mannose with carefully selected botanical extracts and powders traditionally used to support healthy urinary tract function. It comes in both tablets and as a mildly sweet tasting powder that mixes easily in any number of your favorite beverages.
D-Mannose, Uva Ursi, Whole cranberry, blueberry, dandelion, parsley, bearberry, golden seal and golden rod
Drink plenty of fluids.
Gluten Free
Vibrant Health’s U.T. Vibrance combines European D-mannose with carefully selected botanical extracts and powders traditionally used to support healthy urinary tract function. It comes in both tablets and as a mildly sweet tasting powder that mixes easily in any number of your favorite beverages.
D-Mannose, Uva Ursi, Whole cranberry, blueberry, dandelion, parsley, bearberry, golden seal and golden rod
Drink plenty of fluids.
Gluten Free